Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Our first Bell pepper was picked today! I could have let it get a little bigger but I could'nt wait.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tomorrow will be 12 years since my Grandpa Cavanaugh, one of my favorite people in the world, passed away. Some fond memories of him include him dancing every morning to swing/jazz music, him humming a tune wherever he went, whenever he wanted, and him telling me that I would be the one to change my own life. He really believed in me. I think that has always made me want to accomplish more than I had to, I never wanted to let him down.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Habitat for Humanity

Alot of work needs to be done.

And I found this while working in the backyard. It says "Daivids Tree 24 Jan 87", and its nailed to the fence right behind what I assume is his tree. Hopefully it will be saved.

This was my first task for the HFH house. Unfortunately I did'nt take pictures before I pulled apart the wood fence that was laying here along with some wierd wood border around this cement slab...

I have always wanted to work on a Habitat for Humanity, since I was very young, about 12. I read in the San Jose Mercury about a house they built in the bay area and I knew I wanted to be a part of that experience one day. Well, two weekends ago I got the chance! Our town has recieved monies to purchase several bank owned houses . These houses obviously won't be built from the ground up, but will be renovated and sold to a lucky, qualifying family. I look forward to the process and am really proud to be a part of this experience.